How to make an origami Dragon Designed by Jo Nakashima – 20/feb/2015 Diagrams: Download [PDF]
My origami Dragons are some of my favorite creations. They are relatively easy to fold and I liked the result a lot. The base of these models is very simple: half bird base, half frog base.
In the tutorial I’m using 20cm x 20cm Red Tissue-Foil from Origami-shop. However, it doesn’t require special paper and you can use even the standard 15cm x 15cm origami paper or copy paper.
The Chibi Dragon is a simplified version of my standard dragon. It’s one of the intermediary versions I made before getting to the final version. The head is very simple and it doesn’t have horns. I also decided to keep the wings and legs unshaped.
In this picture you can see how this model evolved: How to make the origami Devil DragonDesigned by Jo Nakashima (2015/09)Difficulty level: complex The origami Devil Dragon is the evolution of my other origami dragons. I like it a lot specially because of the expression on his face. Now it has fingers, spikes on the tail, extra horns, eyes,… Origami Eastern Dragon designed by Jo Nakashima (12/2023)Difficulty level: intermediate Learn how to make an origami Eastern Dragon for 2024, the year of the dragon according to the Chinese zodiac. I've already created a few dragons before, but all of them were western dragons with wings and larger bodies.…
How to make an origami Seal designed by Jo Nakashima. You can also fold an origami Whale and a Dolphin using the same base Origami SealDesigned by Jo Nakashima (08/2017)Difficulty level: low intermediateMy paper: SATOGAMI 15cm x 15cm (buy it here) Diagrams Notice: at first I’ve made these diagrams only…
Learn how to fold an origami Dolphin. I've created it using the same base as my origami Whale. Origami DolphinDesigned by Jo Nakashima (06/2017)Difficulty level: low intermediateMy paper:20cm x 20cm Tant (first dolphin) - you can buy it HERE15cm x 15cm kami (tutorial) Diagram Notice: at first I’ve made these…
Info and Diagrams This model has the same base of my origami Velociraptor Designed by Jo Nakashima (13/Set/2015) Difficulty level: low intermediate Recommended paper size: 20cm x 20cm My paper: Copper Tissue-foil (special paper is not required) Diagrams: download [PDF] Origami Kangaroo Tutorial The origami Brachiosaurus' base is similar to the Giraffe and the Unicorn. If you like dinosaurs, see also the T-Rex and the Velociraptor. Origami Brachiosaurus designed by Jo Nakashima (28/Jun/2015)Difficulty level: low intermediateMy paper: origami paper 15cm x 15cm Diagrams Notice: at first I’ve made these diagrams only for…